Welcome to my Website!

If you've randomly stumbled upon this website heres my youtube channel: Dayoki.

I made this site for testing things, i put random code in this website, random images and some personal information about me!!!

Have some fun visiting this website lol!

Some basic info of me and this website

This website was created on Novemeber 2 of 2021. I had no idea how to code so some stuff is unfinished or doesnt make any sense. I wanted to make a website so i went on google and searched 90s website builder and stumbled upon neocities.org, its very good! I can learn how to code html stuff. And yes, this was made by Pat the owner of the Dayoki channel. I post random things, tests, and personal stuff that i feel like sharing here. I still have my twitter tho but thats for mostly my channel updates. This website is for my personal updates and stuff. Enjoy your stay here!

Here have an image for finding this website

Heres Some stuff that i like:

My Blog!

Other stuff!

Big shout out to Karl! Thats his internet alias but he inspired me to code a lot of stuff and use test around with linux! Thanks dude!